1) What account will you log into for your course? a) Facebook Account b) Google Account c) The Computer d) No Account 2) Which Google App allows you to check your email? a) Google Classroom b) Google Meet c) Google Mail d) Google Docs 3) Your tutor has asked you to complete an assignment, where will it most likely be found? a) Search on Google b) Google Docs c) The Desktop d) Google Classroom 4) Where are all your Google Docs stored? a) Google Drive b) Google Mail c) Memory Stick d) Printed 5) At the end of your class what do you need to do? a) Stretch your legs b) Sign Out c) Turn the computer off d) Clap 6) Which Google App allows you to talk to all of your classmates? a) Google Classroom b) Google Mail c) WhatsApp d) Facebook 7) Which Google App is the best way to contact just your tutor? a) Google Drive b) Google Meet c) Google Mail d) Ring them 8) If your course is online, which Google App will you use to see your tutor and classmates? a) Zoom b) Google Mail c) Google Classroom d) Google Meet 9) Which part of Google Classroom can you use to message your class? a) Classwork b) Google Mail c) Stream d) Assignments 10) Which part of Google Classroom can you use to find your assignments and any resources? a) Stream b) Classwork c) Google Drive d) Google Mail

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