It is ____ to make a good ____ when you start a new ____. Here are some ____:Dress in the right ____. Find out if your new job has a dress ____ and ____ it. Always be ____ and clean. Get to work ____ time or ____ for ____ shift. ____ attention to introductions. Your boss may ____ you to coworkers. These ____ will be important to you. They will ____ your questions when the boss is not ____. Ask ____ of questions. Your ____ will tell you what you ____ to know. ____ questions if you don’t understand.Do not take ____ long for lunch. Find out how much ____ you have for lunch. Always be ____ from lunch on time. Do not ____ personal phone calls or ____ personal texts. Never be the ____ one to leave at the ____ of a ____. ____ with your coworkers.


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