Clean - When somethings dirty you ____, Earth - We live here, Recycle - What to do with plastic bottles, Reuse - Using a product, or material for the same thing, Ocean - Dolphins live here, Pollution - Contaminants into the natural environment, Planet - What does the solar system have, Volunteer - Giving time towards the community, Water - We drink this everyday, Ozone Layer - Absorbs most of the Sun's ultraviolet radiation, Environment - The surroundings in which a person, animal, or plant lives or operates., Atmosphere - The envelope of gases surrounding the earth, Global Warming - The earth is currently going through this, Endangered - Gorillas are _________, Extinct - Mountain gorillas will soon be _______, Care - Listen ____ Connect, Conservation - Prevention of wasteful use of a resource, Oxygen - We breathe this in, Nature - plants, animals, landscape, Reduce - make smaller waste,


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