1) Which word means to fight against authority? a) abolitionist b) compromise c) slavery d) territory e) rebel f) plantation 2) Which word is a land area that is ruled by the national government? a) territory b) slavery c) compromise d) rebel e) plantation f) abolitionist 3) Which word describes a person who worked to end slavery? a) territory b) plantation c) abolitionist d) compromise e) slavery f) rebel 4) Which word describes the practice of owning another person as property? a) rebel b) abolitionist c) compromise d) slavery e) plantation f) territory 5) Which word means a very large farm (they often grew cotton, tobacco, or sugar)? a) slavery b) plantation c) territory d) abolitionist e) compromise f) rebel 6) Which word describes an agreement made between people where each side had to give up a little of what they wanted? a) abolitionist b) slavery c) plantation d) compromise e) rebel f) territory 7) Which of these were NOT part of the steps to making Nebraska a territory? a) Railroad companies used the land to build a railroad track from the East to the West. b) The people in Nebraska territory chose not to allow slavery. c) Settlers were allowed to move to Nebraska. d) The United States set up a government and bought land from Indians. 8) What issue had to be solved before the government would make Nebraska a new territory? a) The railroads had to decide where to build the new tracks. b) They had to decide whether the Native Americans would be allowed to stay here or not. c) They had to decide if slavery would be allowed in the new territory. d) They had to decide who would become the governor of the new territory. 9) Which of these was NOT part of the Kansas-Nebraska Act? a) It created Kansas Territory. b) It allowed the territories to decide if they would allow slavery or not. c) It freed all enslaved people living there. d) It created Nebraska Territory. 10) How did many enslaved people escape the South? a) They saved their money and bought their freedom. b) They tricked people into selling them to abolitionists. c) They rode steamboats up the river to the North. d) They used the Underground Railroad. 11) Who was the first governor of Nebraska Territory? a) Thomas Cuming b) Francis Burt c) Harriet Tubman d) Abraham Lincoln 12) Which of these is true about a territory? a) Territories were not allowed to choose their own leaders. b) Territories got to help make decisions for the entire country. c) Territories didn't have any leaders or laws. d) Territories are not really part of the country. 13) Which of these was NOT needed for the territory to grow? a) People needed to be able to earn a living. b) People needed to better systems of transportation. c) People needed better ways to communicate with people far away. d) People needed to learn how to get along with people from other cultures. 14) What did people use to bring supplies and people to the Nebraska Territory? a) steamboats b) the Pony Express c) the Underground Railroad d) stagecoaches e) freight lines f) road ranches 15) Which of these was used to transport mail quickly? a) the Pony Express b) freight lines c) steamboats d) stagecoaches 16) What were stagecoaches for? a) to carry large amounts of supplies b) to carry people c) to deliver messages d) to lead the freight lines 17) What was the Great Railroad Race? a) A race between two companies to build the most bridges across the rivers.. b) A race between to companies to see who could build more track on the transcontinental railroad. c) A race between two companies to see whose train was the faster on the transcontinental railroad. d) A race between two companies to build the biggest tunnel through the mountains. 18) Which two companies were part of the Great Railroad Race? a) Union Pacific and Central Pacific b) Union Pacific and Omaha Pacific c) Omaha Pacific and California Pacific d) California Pacific and Central Pacific 19) What problem did the railroad companies have while building tracks in Nebraska? a) The Platte River kept flooding and ruining the tracks. b) The railroad companies ran out of money and supplies. c) The tracks were sometimes destroyed by American Indians. d) They workers had a hard time knowing where to build the tracks. 20) Why did Wildcat Bank money lose its value? a) People didn't like the way it looked. b) The money wasn't backed-up with gold. c) The money was accepted almost everywhere. d) People kept all of the money instead of spending it. 21) Why did the trains need to stop every 8-10 miles? a) They were picking up new passengers. b) They needed to deliver the mail to each stop. c) They had problems with raiders trying to wreck the tracks. d) They needed to get more water, wood and/or coal. 22) Trains improved transportation. Which of these was NOT an improvement of traveling by train? a) You could travel with your family. b) You could travel day or night. c) You could travel in any kind of weather. d) You could travel faster. 23) What did railroad companies do to handle the problem of raiders? a) They hired Pawnee to look out for raiders and protect the workers. b) They asked the government for soldiers to keep them safe.. c) They sent some workers ahead to fight off the raiders. d) They hid from them, then rebuilt the tracks that were destroyed. 24) Which word means a person who is the leader of a state's or territory's government? a) capital b) governor c) freight d) civil war e) telegraph f) scouts 25) Which word is the place that is the center of the government? a) capital b) governor c) freight d) civil war e) telegraph f) scouts 26) What do you call goods that are being transported from one place to another? a) stuff b) passengers c) freight d) boxcars 27) A person who looks ahead for dangers is a ____________. a) scout b) conductor c) soldier d) raider 28) How is a civil war different from a regular war? a) A civil war is only about slavery. b) A civil war doesn't last as long as a regular war. c) A civil war involves people from many different countries. d) A civil war is fought between people from the same country. 29) What could people use to send messages quickly over long distances? a) a stagecoach b) the Pony Express c) the telegraph d) a steamboat 30) Sharing your thoughts and ideas with others is called ______. a) communication b) transportation c) the Pony Express d) the telegraph 31) The movement of people or items from one place to another is called _______. a) railroads b) stagecoaches c) steamboats d) transportation

Social Studies- Chapter 4, Lessons 2 & 3


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