Requires ATP - Active Transport, Movement from high to low water potential - Osmosis, Transport needed for the sodium potassium pump - Active Transport, Passive process that requires a protein carrier - Facilitated diffusion, Co transport of sodium and glucose into villi - Facilitated diffusion, Measured in kPa - Osmosis, Causes plamolysis in plants - Osmosis, movement of carbon dioxide from tissues into blood plasma - Diffusion, Fick's Law determines the rate of movement - Diffusion, Amino acids taken in by liver cells - Facilitated diffusion, Results in turgor pressure in plant cells - Osmosis, Mitochondria are nmerous in cells that rely on this process - Active Transport, Carbon dioxide moving through spongy mesophyll layer - Diffusion, Pumping of sodium out of villi epithelial cell - Active tranport, Glucose moving into blood from villi epitheial cell - Active transport, Movement from Hypotonic to Hypertonic solution - Osmosis,

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