Ellingham Academy ____ located halfway "the Big Ax," a wild and strange mountain. Albert Ellingham was believed to ____ discovered this place ____ mistake. There, his dream ____ establishing his ideal school came true.Mount Hatchet ____ connected to the rest of the world and hosted ____ the school and a grand home. The school grounds ____ full of statuary, tunnels, fake windows and doors ____ nowhere. The academy's reputation could have ____ flawless, had it not been ____ the murder that made it infamous. Stevie Bell and her parents drove to the grounds' gate, ____ they got on a coach that ____ drive them to the Academy. The older, silver-haired man ____ the wheel was somehow spooky, ____ were the roads and paths they drove through.Stevie's parents ____ her new friends and sounded ____ to hear their daughter actually knew somebody in her new school. Janelle and Stevie were ____ in regular text communication. Janelle was interested ____ engineering, basically making machines and devices. As ____ Nate, he was a writer, some kind of prodigy ____ he had already published a book.____, Stevie's parents were not sure what their daughter's special gift was exactly. ____, they were proud of her. Deep down, Stevie felt the ____ have preferred a more conventional daughter, to ____ it mildly. Anyway, at the Academy, they ____ found that "spark" in her. Germaine Batt and her parents also got ____ the bus. Stevie's mom ____ her so that she tried to make friends with this girl but she ____ really interested in talking.The path got tougher ____ tougher and Stevie wondered ____ they were safe. She also asked ____ if she actually was the Academy material or if they ____ made a mistake to admit her.


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