Mi wnaethon ni'r gwaith cartre - We did the homework, Wnaethon nhw ddim gweld y gêm - They didn't see the game, Mi wnaethon nhw'r gwaith cartre - They did the homework, Mi wnaethon nhw'r bwyd - They did the food, Wnaethon nhw ddim symud tŷ - They didn't move house, Wnes i ddim darllen y papur - I didn't read the paper, Be wnaeth o? - What did he do?, Wnes i ddim gyrru i'r gwaith - I didn't drive to work, Wnes i ddim golchi'r llestri - I didn't wash the dishes, Wnaethon ni ddim gweld y gêm - We didn't see the game, Be wnaeth hi? - What did she do?, Wnaethon ni ddim prynu car newydd - We didn't buy a new car, Mi wnaethon ni'r bwyd - We made the food, Be wnaeth y plant? - What did the children do?, Wnes i ddim gweld y ffilm - I didn't see the film, Be wnaethon nhw? - What did they do?,

Mynediad 9. Gwahanol bobl efo'r Gorffennol


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