1) What food do we need to eat to get energy? a) Carbohydrate b) Protein c) Fat d) Fibre 2) We need to eat protein for.....? a) Energy b) To keep us free from disease c) For repair and growth of our body d) To keep our digestive system healthy 3) What can we use to test whether food has starch in it? a) Benedict's solution b) Iodine c) Biuret's solution d) Greaseproof paper 4) What is the colour change when we heat Benedict's solution with a food with glucose in it? a) Blue to purple b) Blue to orange c) Brown to black d) No colour change 5) What do we call a chemical that breaks down large molecules into smaller molecules? a) Enzyme b) Salt c) Alkali d) Iodine 6) Starch is a large molecule made up of lots of which small molecule joined together? a) Amino acids b) Glycerol c) Iodine d) Glucose 7) Protein is a large molecule made up of smaller molecules joined together. What is the name of the smaller molecule? a) Amino acid b) Glucose c) Fatty acid d) Benedict's solution 8) Which of these is part of the digestive system? a) Small intestine b) Heart c) Brain d) Lungs 9) which of these is NOT part of the digestive system? a) oesophagus b) rectum c) kidney d) mouth 10) What is the name of the finger-like structures in the intestine that help absorb nutrients? a) Villains b) Villi c) Villa d) Vile 11) The word used to describe heat travelling in a solid is? a) Conduction b) Convection c) Radiation d) Evaporation 12) Convection is heat travelling ...... a) In gases and liquids b) In solids c) In gases only d) In liquids only 13) How does heat travel from the Sun to Earth? a) Evaporation b) Conduction c) Convection d) Radiation 14) What unit do we usually record temperature in? a) Kilometres (km) b) grams (g) c) degrees celsius (oC) d) degrees of arc 15) If I was going to measure the temperature of someone who was ill, I would use...... a) A temperature probe b) A lab thermometer c) A clinical thermometer d) My hand 16) Which of these has the highest amount of HEAT ENERGY? a) bath water at 60oC b) A spark from a sparkler at 1800oC c) kettle water at 100oC d) A cup of tea at 80oC 17) What happens when you heat a solid, liquid or gas? a) It cracks b) It expands c) It contracts (shrinks) d) It changes colour 18) When air is heated it expands and rises. It then cools and sinks. When it is heated again in rises. This is called a ........ a) current bun b) convection current c) electrical current d) conduction current 19) Which colour is the best at absorbing radiation? a) black b) white c) red d) blue 20) If you had to insulate your roof what material would you use? a) Copper b) Plastic c) Wool d) Steel 21) What symbol do we give the element copper? a) CU b) Cu c) C d) Co 22) What is the name of this compound? NaCl a) sodium hydroxide b) sodium chloride c) chlorine sodride d) sodium 23) What can be found in the periodic table? a) Mixtures b) Compounds c) Elements and compounds d) Elements 24) What is the ratio of hydrogen atoms to oxygen atoms in water? a) 2:1 b) 1:1 c) 1:2 d) 2:2 25) What word matches this definition- 'All the atoms in this subtstance are the same' a) Compound b) Mixture c) Element d) Solid 26) The elements in the periodic table can be divided into...... a) solids and liquids b) Metals and non-metals c) gases and solids d) plastics and metals 27) What is the word that matches the definition- 'In this substance the atoms are different but can be easily separated' a) compound b) mixture c) element d) liquids 28) How do you definitely know that a chemical reaction has taken place? a) A bright light was made b) Something has changed colour c) A new substance is made d) It fizzed 29) When you add salt to pure water what happens to its boiling point? a) Nothing b) It decreases c) It increases d) It doesn't boil at any temperature 30) Which gas makes up the majority of air? a) Nitrogen b) Oxygen c) Carbon dioxide d) Carbon monoxide

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