1) Which of these is an element? a) salt b) water c) oxygen d) air 2) The number of chemical elements in the world is: a) 4 b) about 100 c) about 1000 d) over a million 3) The element that makes up most of your body mass is: a) oxygen b) carbon c) calcium d) hydrogen 4) Chemical elements: a) are always solids b) are either solids or liquids c) are always gases d) can be solids, liquids or gases 5) Which of thses metals is not a pure element? a) gold b) copper c) silver d) bronze 6) The correct way to write a chemical symbol is a) CA b) ca c) cA d) Ca 7) Which list only contains metals? a) copper, gold, silver b) copper, gold, sulphur c) silver, oxygen, iodine d) oxygen, iodine, sulphur 8) Which list contains three typical properties of metals? a) poor conductor of heat, brittle, low melting point b) poor conductor of heat, strong, high melting point c) good conductor of heat, strong, high melting point d) poor conductor of electricity, waek, low melting point 9) A compound contains: a) only one type of atom b) only one lement c) only two elements joined together d) at least two elements joined together 10) Which of these things does not show that a reaction as occurred? a) the mixture gets hotter b) the substance changes from a liquid to a solid c) the mixture changes colour d) bubbles of gas form in the the mixture 11) The sustances that you get at the end of a chemical reaction are called: a) reactants b) chemicals c) products d) gases 12) A mixture is: a) just one substance, like pure salt b) two or more things mixed together, like nuts and raisins c) two things chemically joined together d) a lot of the same thing put together 13) Which of these is a mixture? a) oxygen b) air c) sugar d) salt 14) Orange sqaush is a mixture because: a) it is safe to drink b) it always contains the same proportions of each ingrediant c) it has a number of differemt ingrediants which can be in different amounts d) it is a single pure substance which cannot be split up 15) How could you seperate a mixture of iron and sulphur? a) filtering b) using a sieve c) evaporation d) using a magent

Chemical reactions es quiz

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