1) ascenseur a) ascend b) lift c) escalator d) stairs 2) Bon séjour a) Have a nice life! b) Have a nice day! c) Have a nice journey! d) Have a nice stay! 3) Carrefour is a crossroads a) Yes b) No 4) embouteillage a) bottle b) accident c) traffic jam d) bootie 5) décoller a) to take over b) to take in c) to take up d) to take of 6) composter a) to post b) to validate your ticket c) to compost d) to recycle 7) un panneau a) a book of tickets b) sign c) track d) a platform 8) piéton a) pedestrian b) driver c) lamp post d) zebra crossing 9) un horaire is a book of tickets a) True b) False 10) pompiste is a draught beer a) Yes b) No 11) remplir a) to be located b) to fill c) to cross d) to stop 12) rouler a) to fill b) to meet c) to roll d) to go along 13) une valise a) a flight b) a view c) a vase d) a suitcase 14) sans plomb means diesel a) True b) False 15) tout droit a) straight on b) left c) right d) cross the bridge 16) le quai is a ticket kiosk a) True b) False 17) garer means to park a) True b) False 18) faire de l'autostop a) to rent b) to hitchhike c) to walk d) to die 19) couchette a) platform b) breakdown c) bed d) berth 20) potable a) suitable for drinking b) suitable for potting c) suitable for playing d) suitable for walking

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