1) What joint movement has occured at the elbow? a) Extension b) Rotation c) Adduction d) Flexion 2) Which of the following bones are not located in the lower body? a) Tibia b) Metacarpals c) Femur d) Metatarsals 3) Which joint is mainly involved in the action of kicking a football? a) Pivot joint b) Hinge joint at the elbow c) Ball and socket at the hip d) Hinge joint at the knee 4) Which statement best describes flexion? a) Movement bringing the limbs of the body towards the centre b) Where angle of the joint decreases c) Where the angle increases between the bones at a joint d) the joint moves in a circular motion 5) What injury has occured when 'the joints have moved out of their normal arrangement?' a) Compound fracture b) Sprain c) Simple fracture d) Dislocation 6) As the athlete's left leg pushes back during take-off, it.....? a) Extends b) Adducts c) Rotates d) Flexes 7) At a joint, what attaches bone to bone? a) Tendons b) Ligaments c) Cartilage d) Synovial Fluid 8) Bones that have no uniform shape are classifed as...? a) Long bones b) Irregular Bones c) Short bones d) Flat bones 9) Which are the bones responsible for putting spin on a cricket ball? a) Long bones b) Short bones c) Flat bones d) Irregulat bones 10) Which of the following bones do not protect an organ? a) Skull b) Pelvis c) Femur d) Veterbrae

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