Dear Sir/Madam, (beginning --> ending?) - Yours faithfully, Dear Ms Wright, (beginning --> ending?) - Yours sincerely, I am writing to - apply for the position..., I am writing to inform - you of our wide offer of..., I am contacting - you to inform you of..., I am writing to confirm - your booking, I am writing to request - information regarding X, With - regard to X..., I would be - grateful if you could..., I would - be happy/willing to..., I would appreciate - it if you could..., Please let - me know what..., We are delighted - to announce your acceptance, We regret - to inform you, Unfortunately, your order - has been cancelled, I expect a full - refund, I expect to be refunded - in full, We apologise - for any inconvenience this may cause., I wish to place - an order, Prices may be subject - to change, Please find - enclosed...,

C1 Formal Letter: Common Expressions


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