1) 1.  Do you speak English .......... (good) than your parents? a) as good b) good c) better d) the best 2) 2. What time of the day do you study ......... (efficiently)? a) efficiently b) more efficiently c) the most efficiently d) most efficiently 3)  3.  If your homework is ........ (difficult), who do you talk to? a) too difficult b) more difficult c) enough difficult d) difficult 4) 4. Can you run ........... (fast) as your friends? a) faster b) the fastest c) as far d) as fast 5) 5. If you’re stressed, what can help you feel .......... (relaxed)? a) relaxing b) more relaxed c) as relaxed d) relax 6) 6. Who tells .......... (funny) jokes in your class? a) the funny b) funnier c) as fun d) the funniest


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