1) What does personification mean? a) To compare 2 things using the words like or as? b) To make an object have human qualities c) To make a direct comparison d) Where 2 or more words start with the same letter e) Where words are repeated 2) What does repetition mean? a) When there is a direct comparison b) When 2 words have similar sounds in them c) When 2 or more words begin with the same letter d) When words are repeated 3) What is a metaphor? a) A direct comparison b) When there is a comparison between 2 things using the words like or as c) Where there are similar sounding words d) When words are repeated 4) What is alliteration? a) When words are repeated b) When there is a comparison between 2 things using the words like or as c) When 2 or more words in a sentence start with the same sound d) The name of paragraphs in a poem 5) Which of the following is a simile? a) The colour of the straw is like the yellow sun b) The straw is thin c) The straw was the colour of the sun 6) Which of the following is an example of alliteration? a) sizzling sausages sitting in a pan b) the sausages are hot like fire c) The sausages are pork 7) What word doesn't rhyme? a) feet b) mouse c) bounce d) orange 8) The boy shouted, "no way, no way!". This is an example of what technique? a) simile b) metaphor c) alliteration d) rhyme e) repetition f) personification 9) Which of the following is personification a) The windy weather is bad b) The day is grey c) The lady hair is as black as night d) The happy sun smiled down on all of the people 10) What technique is used in the following sentence? The headteacher is a lion a) simile b) personification c) metaphor d) rhyme e) repetition

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