3 - Scrooge is visited by the ghost of christmas past who shows him some sad and happy scenes from his own childhood: Scrooge all alone in the schoolhouse; Belle breaking off their engagement because he loves money more than her; Belle happy with her new family, 1 - Scrooge is a mean miser who hates Christmas. He refuses to give money to the poor, never visits his nephew Fred and he is a terrible boss; he does not pay Bob Cratchit enough money, he does not allow him time off, he does not allow him extra coal for his fire, 5 - Scrooge is visited by the ghost of Christmas Futre who shows Scrooge that nobody will care when he dies. He also shows the Cratchit family mourning for Tiny Tim., 6 - Scrooge decides to be a better person. He orders an enormous turkey for the Cratchits, gives money to the charity men and visits his nephew., 4 - Scrooge is visited by the ghost of Christmas present who shows Scrooge the happy but poor Cratchit family. The spirit reveals that Tiny Tim will die unless he is helped. The Ghost of Christmas Present also takes Scrooge to his nephew Fred's house where a party is in full swing and Fred says he pities Scrooge., 2 - Scrooge is visited by Marleys ghost who shows him how terrible life after death is if you have been mean during your life.,

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