Have you or your acquaintances ever experienced any type of discrimination? What was that? How did they work it out?, What field of work, in your opinion, has widespread corruption? Why? What can be done to reduce it?, Do you know any laws that the Russian government has recently introduced, relaxed or changed? What do you think of them? Do you think the Russian government is doing well at enforcing laws in our country? Why(not)?, Have you ever been exposed to danger at work? What dangerous things might employees be exposed to at their workplace?, Do you think people breaking rules at work should be fined or have another punishment? What kind of? Why?, What health and safety regulations at the workplace do you know? How often are they ignored? Why?, Do you think people always have to follow a law in any situation or there’re some cases when it’s okay to break it?, Do you know anybody who was guilty of committing a crime? Why do you think people might be able to steal or kill?, Have you heard of any companies being taken to court? Who by? Why? Who won the case?.

Outcomes, Unit 5 Working life 5.2 It's against the rules Vocabulary


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