1) The grass is a ___ in this food chain. a) producer b) consumer c) decomposer 2) What term best describes the frog, fox, and owl in each food chain? a) Autotrophs b) Decomposers c) Heterotrophs 3) The grasshopper is a _______ in this food chain. a) producer b) consumer c) decomposer 4) What do the arrows in a food chain represent? a) direction of energy flow b) direction of travel c) direction of death d) direction of the sun's energy 5) Which term best describes an organism that makes its own food? a) autotroph b) heterotroph c) decomposer d) carnivore 6) Which term best describes organisms that eat only plants? a) herbivores b) carnivores c) omnivores 7) What type of organism feeds on dead and decaying matter? Example: fungi a) producer b) consumer c) decomposer 8) Which of the following can be classified as herbivores, omnivores, and carnivores? a) autotroph b) heterotroph c) decomposer 9) At the beginning of every food chain is a …. a) decomposer b) consumer c) producer 10) Which term best describes organisms that eat only other consumers? a) omnivores b) carnivores c) herbivores 11) Which of the following are primary consumers in this food web? a) owl, snake, wildcat b) mouse, rabbit, goat c) lion, jackal 12) Which of the following is a secondary consumer? a) rabbit b) mouse c) owl 13) Which best describes this diagram? a) It is a food chain. b) It is a food web. c) It is neither a food chain or a food web. 14) Overlapping food chains form a) a habitat b) a community c) a food web

Food Chains and Food Web Review


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