1) An organ is: a) another name for a body. b) the part of the body that makes sounds. c) a large part of an animal or plant that does a very important job. d) another name for a living thing. 2) Organs contain: a) glass. b) hearts. c) tissues. d) newspaper. 3) In the picture, what is part ‘Z’? a) lung. b) stomach. c) hand. d) kidney. 4) What are the kidneys used for? a) To help us to breathe. b) To get rid of waste from the body. c) To make blood. d) To help us digest food. 5) Microscopes magnify things. This means that they: a) make things look sharp and clear. b) make things look bigger. c) make things look blurred and fuzzy d) make things look smaller. 6) On the drawing of a microscope, what is the name of the part labelled ‘X’? a) stage b) focusing wheel c) objective lens d) base 7) Look at the diagram of a slide being made. The object you want to look at (Y) is called the: a) thingy. b) focus. c) specimen. d) stage. 8) A certain microscope has two lenses – one is ×5 and one is ×10. What is the total magnification of the microscope? a) × 10 b) x 5 c) x 50 d) x 15 9) On this drawing of an animal cell, what is the part labelled W? a) nucleus b) chloroplast c) heart d) cell surface membrane 10) Which part do plant cells have but animal cells do not? a) blood b) cell surface membrane c) cytoplasm d) cell wall 11) On the drawing of the animal cell below, what does part W do? a) controls the cell b) makes food c) makes energy d) holds the cell together 12) What is chlorophyll? a) a green substance needed for photosynthesis b) a substance stored in the vacuoles of cells c) a cough medicine made from plant cells d) a substance that is poisonous to cells 13) A tissue is: a) another name for an organ. b) a collection of organs helping each other. c) a group of cells that are the same, all doing the same job. d) a group of cells that are all different, all 14) A nerve cell has to carry signals around the body quickly. To help it do this it is: a) able to move around the body. b) very long. c) very small. d) short and square. 15) A root hair cell is adapted to its job because the root hair: a) has many chloroplasts to help it make food. b) gives the cell a large surface area to help it absorb water. c) is hook-shaped to hold the plant in the ground. d) can move to help the plant move from 16) Cell division is: a) a difficult type of sum. b) when a cell gets larger. c) when a cell splits in two. d) when a cell dies. 17) An organ system is: a) a way of counting the number of organs b) a collection of organs that help us breathe c) a collection of tissues that do the same job. d) a collection of organs working together to do an important job. 18) Which organ system carries signals around the body? a) circulatory system b) digestive system c) nervous system d) breathing system 19) The gullet is part of the: a) digestive system. b) circulatory system. c) breathing system. d) nervous system. 20) The water transport system in plants: a) puts water into the soil. b) takes water from the roots to the leaves. c) takes water from the leaves to the roots. d) is unusual because it does not contain any organs.

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