1) I am permitted by law and include nicotine, caffeine and alcohol a) Legal Drugs b) Recreational Drugs c) Medical Drugs d) Illegal Drugs 2) The part of the central nervous system enclosed in the cranium of vertebrates. Most recreational drugs have an effect on this organ a) Brain b) Stomach c) Spine d) Feet 3) Is Cannabis (weed) legal? a) Yes b) No 4) The state of being tied to a habit or practice to such an extent that its stopping using it causes severe withdrawal symptoms a) Drugs b) Addiction c) Committed d) Cessation 5) I am forbidden by law and include cocaine and ecstasy a) Legal Drugs b) Recreational Drugs c) Medical Drugs d) Illegal Drugs 6) The consumption of large amounts of alcohol in one session. It carries a serious of risk of harm including alcohol poisoning. a) Bin Drinking b) Getting High c) Binge Drinking d) Use of Cocaine 7) A flammable, water soluble liquid, intoxicating by drinking it is produced by yeast fermentation of carbohydrates a) Alcohol b) Cocaine c) Paracetamol d) Ecstasy 8) It causes yellowing of the teeth, coughs, increased asthma attacks, shortness of breath and poor athletic performance. Linked strongly with Lung cancer. a) Heroin b) Ibuprofen c) Alcohol d) Tobacco 9) A white, crystalline, illegal narcotic powder, derived from morphine, formely used as a sedative. Users normally inject this drug with needles and it is powerfully addictive a) Cannabis b) Cocaine c) Heroin d) Caffeine 10) All drugs are dangerous if you have a lot of them. a) True b) False 11) Some drugs can kill you the very first time you use them a) True b) False


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