1) What type of farm is an Ostrich farm? a) Pastoral b) Arable c) Mixed 2) What type of farm is a rice paddy field? a) Pastoral b) Arable c) Mixed 3) What type of farm would grow fruit? a) Pastoral b) Arable c) Mixed 4) What type of farm rears salmon? a) Pastoral b) Arable c) Mixed 5) A mixed farm only grows food that are used to feed animals. a) True b) False 6) A cheese sandwich contains dairy products. a) True b) False 7) Food that is eaten by British people is grown in Britain and nowhere else. a) True b) False 8) Which part of Britain is used mainly for sheep farming? a) North West Scotland b) South West England c) Northern England 9) Dairy farms are quite suitable in hilly areas. a) True b) False 10) To eat potatoes during the winter means that Britian has to import them from hotter countries. a) True b) False 11) Which country exports tonnes of potatoes every year? a) Africa b) America c) Egypt d) Tunisia 12) How is most of the food that is imported transported? a) Ship b) Plane c) Train 13) What type of vegetable is a potato? a) Root vegetable b) Salad vegetable c) Fungus vegetable 14) How many containers containing food are being transported around the world every day? a) 6 million b) 60 million c) 600 million 15) Poultry farms rear what kind of animals? a) Pigs b) Chickens c) Cows 16) Which of the following does a dairy NOT need? a) Access to markets b) Dry soil c) Good roads d) Good grass 17) What prevents food from going off when its transported? a) Electric fans b) Cold Water c) Refridgerated containers 18) Planes are used to fly green beans from Kenya. a) True b) False 19) Which European country sells Britain a huge amount of vegetables? a) Germany b) France c) Netherlands 20) What allows the Dutch to grow so much food? a) Special chemicals b) Huge fields c) Greenhouses

Y8 Farming test to go with food video

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