1) How Are Animals Divided ? a) Features b) Vertebrates And Invertebrates c) Where Their Habitat Is d) When They Were Discovered 2) Vertebrates And Invertebrates Are Classed On Three Main Things ... a) Size, Height And Weight b) How They Breathe, Weight, Where They Live c) How They Breathe, How They Reproduce, How They Regulate Their Internal Body Temp d) How They Breathe, How They Reproduce, Where They Live 3) How Many Parts Does A Binomial System Make Names Into? a) 3 b) 4 c) 2 d) 1 e) 5 f) 7 4) How Many Pairs Of Chromosomes Do You Have In Your Body? a) 23 b) 48 c) 14 d) 12 e) 36 5) What Do Neurones Do ? a) Do Nothing b) Detects When Your Hot/Cold c) Detect When Your Ill d) Transmit Information Around The Body


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