1) Human Trafficking is: a) a good, legal way of making money b) a form of modern slavery c) a legal job d) a criminal organisation activity 2) The forms of human trafficking are: a) forced prostitution b) travelling with the family c) forced labour d) getting married out of love e) forced marriage f) domestic violence 3) A person MIGHT be a victim, if you notice that he / she: a) is eating too much b) is less talking than usual, avoiding company c) has visible injuries which can not be explained d) is always with someone who doesn't allow him / her to speak e) is bullying someone in your school f) is working as an adult, though being a child 4) If you suspect witnessing an act of Human Tafficking, you should: a) post a story on instagram, tiktok and facebook, to increase your likes b) talk to a trusted adult about it c) write a poem d) call your doctor e) call the emergency number f) pay attention on as many details as you can, related to the situation



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