Abertawe - Swansea, nos - night, noswaith - evening, paned - cuppa, problemau - problems, problem - problem, uned - unit, unedau - units, bore - morning, boreau - mornings, car - car, ceir - cars, croeso - welcome, dosbarth - class, dosbarthiadau - classes, enw - name, enwau - names, heddlu - police, prynhawn - afternoon, prynhawniau - afternoons, rhif - number, rhifau - numbers, byw - to live, darllen - to read, dysgu - to learn, to teach, gwylio - to watch, gyrru - to drive, stopio - to stop, da - good, ofnadwy - terrible, pinc - pink, wedi blino - tired, a - and, ble? - where?, chi - you, diolch - thanks, dyna pam - that's why, eto - again, fi - me, gyda - with, heddiw - today, hwyl! - bye!, i - to; for, iawn - ok, very, nawr - now, ond - but, pawb - everybody, pwy? - who?, sut? - how?, ti - you, yma - here, yn - in, rhaglen - programme, rhaglenni - programmes,

Geirfa Uned 01 - Mynediad, Cymraeg i Oedolion (f.2, De)


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