Fire fighter - I wear an uniform. I help to rescue people. I work in a Fire Station. I put out fires., Vet - I usually work in a pet shop. I help sick animals., Doctor - I help sick people. I work in a hospital with patients, Dentist - I wear an uniform. I take care of people's teeth.., Teacher - I use markers. I work in a school. I teach students., Taxi driver - I transport people around. I drive a taxi., Waiter - I serve people food. I work in a restaurant., Police Officer - I wear an uniform. I catch criminals. I work in a Police Station., Nurse - I wear an uniform. I work in a hospital. I help doctors., Pilot - I wear an uniform. I travel a lot. I work in an airport. I fly a plane., Chef/ cook - I cook food. I work in a restaurant., Soldier - I wear an uniform. I have a gun or rifle. I protect my country. , Farmer - I grow vegetables and fruits. I work in a farm.  , Scientist - I work in a lab. I do experiments., Mail carrier - I wear an uniform. I work in a Post Office. I deliver mail., Athlete - I practice a sport every day. I participate in competitions.,



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