Convalesce - To get back health and strength after an illness, Dedicate - To set aside for a specific or serious purpose, or to name or address as an honor, Dictate - To give orders, command, or to say aloud while another writes down the words, Exasperate - To make angry or annoy, Notable - Deserving of attention, or outstanding, Overdue - Coming later than expected or needed, or unpaid when owed, Overthrow - To end the rule of, or defeat by using force, Penetrate - To pierce, or pass through , Portrait - A drawing, painting, or photograph of a person, Rebel - A person who refuses to obey orders or the law, Restrict - To keep within certain limits, Seldom - Not often, or rarely, Stimulate - To make more active, Tempest - A violent windstorm usually with snow, rain, or hail, Upbringing - The care and training a child gets while growing up,


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