1) Cold War means..... a) both sides are former allies. b) a war where fighting never actually breaks out. c) a war where there is more than one side. 2) The USSR means..... a) United Soviet Socialist Republic b) United Soviet Social Republic c) Universal Soviet Socialist Republic 3) Josef_______ was the leader of the USSR. a) Stallin b) Stelin c) Stalin 4) During the Second World War the USSR was allied with which nations? a) USA and Turkey b) USA and Italy c) USA and Britain 5) The USSR was capitalist and the USA was Communist. a) True b) False 6) Capitalism means that...... a) each person is entitled to make as much money as they want. b) the state is in control of everypart of society. c) people are controlled by another nation. 7) Which meeting came first Potsdam or Yalta? a) Yalta b) Potsdam 8) Which three leaders attended the Yalta conference? a) Roosevelt, Stalin & Churchill. b) Truman, Stalin & Attlee c) Roosevelt, Stalin & Attlee 9) Which of the following was NOT agreed at Yalta? a) All countries liberated from the Nazis should be allowed free elections. b) Germany should be divided into four zones. c) France would also be divided into four zones. d) Russia would help defeat Japan. 10) Which leaders attended the Potsdam meeting later on in 1945? a) Stalin, Truman & Attlee b) Stalin, Roosevelt & Churchill c) Stalin, Roosevelt & Attlee. 11) President Truman of the USA was keen to work with Stalin and the USSR. a) True b) False 12) Which promise did the Russians not keep? a) They built their own atomic bomb. b) They did not let free elections take place in the countries they freed from Germany. c) They did not declare war on Japan. 13) Winston Churchill made a speech when visiting America where he described what Russia was doing to Eastern Europe, how did he describe it? a) The Red Army has conquered Europe and will not go home. b) A wall has split Berlin on two. c) An iron curtain has descended on Europe. 14) President Truman created a doctrine called the 'Truman Doctrine', what was it? a) The USA would stop the spread of Communism where ever it could. b) The USA would declare war on the USSR. c) The USA would threaten the USSR with it's Atomic Bomb. 15) The USA helped which country fight back against the Communists in 1949? a) Spain b) Greece c) Hungary 16) The USA then established Marshall Aid, what was this? a) The USA paid the Soviet Union millions not to take control of any other nations. b) The USA exported Atomic Bombs to any nation that looked like it may be taken over by the communists. c) The USA gave away 17 billion dollars to nations after the Second World War. 17) Marshall Aid helped nations recover and rebuild, this meant they were much more likely to turn to communism. a) True b) False 18) Stalin greatly objected to Marsahll Aid, especially when it started to rebuild West Germany. What did he do next? a) He blockaded any aid and supplies from entering West Berlin. b) He declared war on the USA. c) He forbid any people living in Berlin to receive aid from the USA. 19) How did the Allies ensure that the West Berliners did not starve? a) They made a deal with Stalin. b) They smashed away the Russian barriers blocking the roads to Berlin. c) They flew tonnes of supplies into West Berlin. 20) What did Stalins actions show the world? a) That Stalin and the USSR was a real threat and willing to kill innocent people. b) That they were being too harsh on the Russians. c) That they should not provoke the Russians again.

Cold war quiz (early stages)

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