1) In 1920 a putsch was attempted. Was this the: a) Kapp Putsch b) Krapp Putsch c) Munich Putsch d) Beer Hall Putsch 2) The French occuppied the Ruhr in: a) 1919 b) 1921 c) 1923 d) 1922 3) In 1924 the economic crisis was eased by the signing of an agreement with the USA. What was this agreement called? a) Locarno Pact b) Dawes Plan c) Young Plan d) Kellogg-Briand Pact 4) Two events devastated Germany in 1929. What were they? a) Poor reviews for a new cabaret and the Wall St Crash b) Death of Stresemann and rising unemployment c) Hitler losing a tennis match and Goebbels tripping over d) Death of Stresemann and the Wall St Crash 5) By 1930 the Nazis had how many seats in the Reichstag? a) 99 b) 104 c) 105 d) 107 6) By 1932 the Nazis had how many seats in the Reichstag? a) 230 b) 220 c) 240 d) 250 7) In January 1919 there was an attempt to overthrow the Republic. Who led this attempt? a) Hitler b) Kapp c) Edelweiss Pirates d) Spartacists 8) The Treaty of Versailles contained which three clauses: a) Reparations, limited elections, War Guilt b) Reparations, War Guilt, Military terms c) War Guilt, Article 48, Land loss d) Demilitiarisation, Land loss, No extremists in power 9) The Reichstag Fire helped Hitler gain power. a) True b) False 10) The Enabling Act was passed in July 1933 a) True b) False 11) The Night of the Long Knives purged the SA a) True b) False 12) Hitler became Fuhrer because Hindenburg was ill a) True b) False 13) Article 48 gave the President emergency powers a) True b) False 14) Goebbels was the minister for People's enlightenment and fun a) True b) False 15) The SS were originally Hitler's bodyguard a) True b) False 16) Germany had a secret police called the Gestapo a) True b) False 17) The Pink Rose were an opposition group a) True b) False 18) Kristallnacht meant Crystal Night a) True b) False 19) Schacht was the first economic minister a) True b) False 20) The Final Solution was discussed at Weimar in 1942 a) True b) False


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