1) Force is measured in a) kilogrammes b) Newtons c) metres per second d) metres per second squared 2) Mass is measured in a) kilogrammes b) Newtons c) metres per second d) metres per second squared 3) Acceleration is measured in a) kilogrammes b) Newtons c) metres per second d) metres per second squared 4) Force = a) mass / acceleration b) acceleration / mass c) mass x acceleration 5) For the same amount of force, if mass is increased the acceleration a) increases b) stays the same c) decreases 6) For the same amount of force, if mass is decreased acceleration a) increases b) stays the same c) decreases 7) For the same force, if mass is doubled acceleration is a) doubled b) stays the same c) halved 8) Using F=ma. What force is needed to move a camper van with a mass of 1500kg and an acceleration of 2m/s/s a) 750N b) 1500N c) 3000N d) 6000N 9) Using F=ma. What force does Ussain Bolt generate when he has a mass of 94kg and accelerates at 1.1 m/s/s a) 95.1N b) 85.5N c) 103.4N d) 0.01N 10) Using a = F/m Calculate the acceleration for a motor bike that weighs 179kg and exherts a force of 1285N a) 230015m/s/s b) 7.2m/s/s c) 0.14m/s/s


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