1) Periodicity is: a) a repeating pattern across different groups b) a repeating pattern across different periods c) the periodic arrangement of elements d) the order of the periodic table 2) Periods: a) go down the periodic table b) are blocks of the periodic table c) go across the periodic table d) are not involved with the periodic table 3) Across a period the first ionisation energy: a) increases b) decreases c) remains constant d) shows no overall pattern 4) Across a period the nuclear charge: a) increases b) decreases c) remains the same d) shows no overall pattern 5) Down a group the first ionisation energy: a) increases b) decreases c) remains constant d) shows no overall pattern 6) Down a group: a) shielding increases b) nuclear charge increases c) atomic radius increases d) all 3 increase 7) The group with the highest melting points is: a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4 e) 5 f) 6 8) Elements with giant covalent bonding are: a) Al, Mg and Ca b) C, N and O c) B, C and N d) B, C and Si 9) Bonding in group 2 is: a) giant covalent b) covalent molecules c) metallic d) ionic 10) Groups with weak van der Waals' forces between molecules are: a) 1, 2, 3 b) 4 and 5 c) 5, 6, 7, 8 d) 5, 6 and 7 11) The formula of a phosphorous molecule is: a) P3 b) P4 c) P6 d) P8

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