1) A turning force a) weight b) mass c) moment d) energy 2) Causes global warming a) carbon dioxide b) oxygen c) hydrogen d) sulphur dioxide 3) Separate insoluble solid from liquid a) chromatopgraphy b) distillation c) filter d) evaporate 4) Light bending a) reflection b) refraction c) chromatography d) dispersion 5) Red Filter lets .... through a) red light b) blue light c) black d) white light 6) Specrum has 7 colours a) True b) False 7) Saturn is the biggest planet a) True b) False 8) Mercury is nearest to the sun a) True b) False 9) Weight is the force of gravity a) True b) False 10) Mass is in kg a) True b) False 11) Energy is in joules a) True b) False 12) Bigger mass gives bigger gravity a) True b) False 13) Further away gives less gravity a) True b) False 14) Planets orbit because of gravity a) True b) False 15) The sun is a star a) True b) False 16) moment = a) force x weight b) force x mass c) force x distance d) force / area 17) Magnesium + Hydrochloric acid -> a) Magnesium hydro chloride b) Magnesium Oxide c) Magnesium Chloride d) Magnesium chloride + hydrogen 18) Magnesium + Sulfuric Acid -> a) Magnesium sulfide b) Magnesium Sulfate c) Magnesium Sulfate + Hydrogen d) Magnesium Sulfate + Oxygen 19) To test for Hydrogen we use a a) lighted splint b) glowing splint c) lime water 20) We use lime water to test for a) oxygen b) Hydrogen c) Carbon d) Carbon dioxide 21) We use carbohydrates in our body to a) help us grow b) provide us with a healthy immune system c) provide us with energy d) warm us. 22) A plant cell has ......... which are different from an animal cell a) cell wall, vacoule, chloroplast b) cell membrane, nucleus c) Vacoule, cell wall d) Vacoule, cytoplasm, cell wall 23) Antibiotics can help us to remove a) viruses b) Bacteria c) Fungi 24) In our body microbes are destroyed by a) red blood cell b) Fat cells c) White blood cells 25) white blood cells release ......to help us fight disease a) Anti germs b) Anti bodies c) ninjas 26) MRSGREN stands for a) movement, reproduction, sensitivity , growth, respiration, excretion, nutrition b) movement, reproduction, sight , growth, respiration, excretion, nutrition c) movement, reproduction, sensitivity , growth, respiration, excretion, nitrogen d) movement, reproduction, sensitivity , growth, respiration, exercise, nutrition 27) separate a soluble solid from a liquid a) chromatopgraphy b) distillation c) filter d) evaporate

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