True: Using a password to prevent people from opening a document is a good method of keeping a file secure, You can set a password to allow a document to be opened but not changed, on a spreadsheet you can lock the cells with ormulas in to prevent them from being changed, Passwords should be a mixture of numbers, letters and symbols, By setting up user names to access a computer or network, different access levels can be given, Encryption requires a key(code) to unscramble the data so it can be read, A simple way to avoid data being changed by accident is to set a file to 'read only', Files that are stored in folders with meaningful file names are easy to find, A company must take precautions to keep any' personal data' safe, False: 'johnjones' is a good, strong password, Password protecting a document is the same as encrypting it, Files should be named with the date they were created so they can be stored in date order, Doc1 is a good example of a meaningful file name, Backups are not really necessary if you have a good computer with a large hard drive, Backups should always be stored in a different folder to the original,

Data loss and security

by Anonymous


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