1) Rebeca is my best friend. I trust ... a) you b) her c) him 2) Mark is a great singer. You have to listen to ... a) him b) her c) them 3) I'm thirsty. Give... some water please a) her b) you c) me 4) Lily and Natty are my classmates. I like ... a) them b) you c) me 5) we can help. Tell ... what is the problem. a) you b) us c) me 6) John has got a dog. He love ... a) it b) her c) us 7) Who are you? Do I know... ? a) it b) them c) you 8) She is my grandmum and I love ... a) him b) her c) you 9) Ann wants the keys. Please give ... to her. a) me b) them c) it 10) Where are Nemo and Dory? I want to talk with ... a) us b) them c) her


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