competition - The process by which living organisms compete with each other for limited resources such as food, light or reproductive partners, respiration - The process by which food molecules are broken down to release energy for the cells. , territory - An area where an animal lives and feeds, which is may mark out or defend against other animals, stomata - . Openings in the leaves of plants (particularly the underside) which allow gases to enter and leave the leaf. They are opened and closed by the guard cells, extremophile - . Organism which lives in environments that are very extreme, e.g. very high or very low temperatures, high salt levels of high pressures, herbivore - Animal that feeds on plants, carnivore - An animal that eats other animals, Indicator - . Lichens or insect that are particularly sensitive to pollution and so can be used to indicate changes in the environmental pollution levels, denature - Change the shape of an enzyme so that it can no longer speed up a reaction, ovipositors - A pointed tube found in many female insects which is used to lay eggs, adaptation - Special feature that makes an organism particularly well suited to the environment where it lives,


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