1) How many different pronouns are there in French? a) there are 7, like in the english language. b) There are 10 counting the formal and informal pronouns. c) There are nine counting "on". d) There are eight. e) J'aimerais téléphoner à un(e) ami(e). f) Je donne ma langue au chat. 2) What are the different parts of the verb "avoir"? a) ai, as, avons, avez, on. b) ai, as, a, avez, ont. c) ai, as, a, avons, avez, ont. d) ai, as, a, avons, avez, aient. e) Je donne ma langue au chat. f) J'aimerais téléphoner à un(e) ami(e) 3) What is another way of saying "nous"? a) vous b) toi c) on d) moi e) Je donne ma langue au chat f) J'aimerais téléphoner à un(e) ami(e). 4) Find the correct facts about "tu" and "vous"? a) "tu" shows respect. b) "tu" is for friends or people of the same age as you. c) no difference, they both mean "you". d) "tu" is for strangers. e) Je donne ma langue au chat. f) J'aimerais téléphoner à un(e) ami(e). 5) What other facts do you know about "tu" and "vous"? a) "tu" is for more than one person. b) "vous" is for friends. c) "tu" is for older people. d) vous is for strangers, people we don't know. e) Je donne ma langue au chat. f) J'aimerais téléphoner à un(e) ami(e). 6) What else do you know about "tu" and "vous"? a) "vous" shows respect. b) "tu" shows respect. c) "vous" means "we". d) you say "vous" to a parent. e) Je ne sais pas, je téléphone à un(e) ami(e). f) Je donne ma langue au chat.

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