1) Which one of these approaches places responsibility for mental illness with the patient? a) Psychodynamic b) Behaviourist c) Cognitive d) Biological 2) Which two of the below are NOT from Jahoda's criteria for ideal mental health? a) Being averse to stress & being autonomous b) Being able to be happy & being punctual c) Being in touch with reality & being empathetic 3) 'It can be viewed as your conscience' - This statement is describing what? a) ID b) Ego c) Superego d) Unconscious e) Conscious 4) Which of the following is NOT a principle held by the Biological approach to abnormality? a) Mental illness can be cured through drug therapy b) Abnormality is caused by factors out of the patient's control c) Abnormality has a physical cause d) Abnormality is caused by distorted thinking 5) 'What is normal in one culture may be abnormal in another culture' - This statement represents which criticism of definitions of mental health? a) Cultural bias b) Cultural relativism c) Cultural specificity d) Cultural norms 6) What is minimisation? a) Making a big issue out of small problems b) Shrinking yourself c) Making your bad problems seem small and manageable d) Downplaying good aspects of your life 7) Repression, projection and regression are examples of what? a) Cognitive distortions b) Psychoanalytic therapies c) Defence mechanisms d) Dreams 8) What were the names of the psychologists who conducted a study to support behaviourist explanations of abnormality? a) Freud & Eriksson b) Beck & Ellis c) VanIjzendoorn & Kroonenberg d) Watson & Rayner 9) How long is the PSYA2 exam? a) 1hr30 b) 1hr c) 2hr d) 1hr45 e) 2hr15 10) How many marks is PSYA2 worth? a) 50 b) 68 c) 80 d) 72 11) Exposure to which pre-natal illness has been associated with Schizophrenia? a) Arthritis b) Influenza c) Cholera d) Depression 12) Which of the following is a criticism of the psychodynamic approach to abnormality? a) It is culturally biased b) It is reductionist c) It lacks empirical evidence d) It is hard to understand 13) In order to label an individual as abnormality FFA definition focuses on what? a) Patient's thoughts & feelings b) Patient's abilities c) Patient's physical health d) Patient's everyday routine 14) What is a criticism of using the medical model to classify abnormality? a) Psychologists may lack consistency in diagnosis b) Labelling can cause stigma c) Patient may become passive in recovery process d) All of the above e) None of the above 15) What are the three types of Biological therapy? a) REBT & EBT & CBT b) ECT & Surgery & Drugs c) Dream analysis & Projective methods & Free association d) Flooding & Aversion & Systematic desensitisation 16) What are the three types of Behaviourist therapy? a) REBT & EBT & CBT b) ECT & Surgery & Drugs c) Dream analysis & Projective methods & Free association d) Flooding & Aversion & Systematic desensitisation 17) What is the ABC model? a) Anxiety - Behaviour - Consequences b) Activating agent - Behaviour - Consequences c) Activating agent - Belief - Consequences d) Anxiety - Belief - Consequences 18) 'Those with depression hold a more realistic view of the world' - This statement is describing which controversial phenomenon? a) Depressive realism b) Depressive reality c) Depressive perspective d) Depressive cognitions 19) What are the two principles that the Id and Ego work on respectively? a) Happiness & sadness b) Pleasure & pain c) Reality & anxiety d) Pleasure & reality 20) Concordance rates are related to which debate within Psychology? a) Free-will Vs. Determinism b) Nature Vs. Nurture c) Reductionism Vs. Holism


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