Gravitational Potential Energy (GPE): PE related to an object's height and mass, =mgh, Book on a shelf, Roller Coaster high in the air, Sky diver about to jump, Chemical: PE stored in chemical bonds, Pizza, Batteries, Apples, Cheetos, Elastic Potential Energy: Stretching or compressing, Rubber band pulled back, Coiled spring, Trampoline spring, Elastic pulled back, Electrical Energy: Electrical Energy, Electrons!, Cloud about to release Lightning, Flows through wires that light bulbs, Electricity!, Thermal Energy: Heat, Hot tea, Cold ice cube, Sun heating ice, Heat from humans, Electromagnetic: Travel as waves, Light, Microwaves, UV Radiation, X Rays, Kinetic Energy: Energy of motion, =1/2mv 2, Car speeding 25mph, Roller coaster at bottom of a hill, Ball rolling on ground,


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