je, tu, il, elle, nous, vous, ils, elles, Je m'appelle, Ca va? What does this mean?, Comment ca va? Answer this question, Comment allez-vous? What does this mean? , où habites-tu? what does that mean in French ?, où habitez-vous? What does that mean in French?, What does "J'habite" mean in French?, Je mange, Je ne mange pas , What does Je viens de mean in French?, J'aime, Je n'aime pas , A bientot, A la prochaine, A demain , Aimer= to______, Ask me when my birthday is in French, Demonstrate the French handshake , How do you ask "how old are you?" in French?, Explain what being polite means in France?, If you do not greet someone in France when going up to them, how will the person feel?, Count to 10 in French, Quand est ton anniversaire? Answer this question in French , How do you say 2 in French?, How do you say 4 in French?, How do you say 5 in French?, How do you say 12 in French?, Tell me your age in French, Les jous de la semaine en francais sont....., Tell me you are 14 years old, Ask me "what is your name?" , List the first 6 months of the year in French.


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