1) How are cells organised? a) Cells, tissues, organ system, organ, organism b) cells, organs, tissues, organ system, organism. c) cells, tissues, organs, organ systems, organism. 2) A root hair cell is specialised because... a) it has a large surface area. b) it has nucleus. c) it has a cell wall. 3) This type of cell is specialised because... a) it has a cytoplasm. b) it doesn't have a nucleus. c) it has a cell wall. 4) Egg cells are specialised because... a) They have yolk which contain nutrients. b) they have a cell membrane. c) they have a big cytoplasm. 5) Palisade cells are specialised because... a) they have chloroplasts. b) they have a nucleus. c) they have a vacuole. 6) What does the cytoplasm do? a) Controls the cell b) Allows certain substances in and out of the cell. c) Where reactions happen. 7) What is the function of mitochondria? a) Where reactions take place. b) Where respiration happens. c) Controls the cell. 8) The circulatory system... a) transports blood around the body. b) sends signals around the body. c) digests food. 9) Name the organ. a) Liver b) Small intestine c) Large intestine 10) Name the organ. a) Small intestine b) Oesophagus c) Large intestine 11) Name the purple organ a) Heart b) Liver c) Stomach 12) Name the organs in order of digestion a) Oesophagus, intestine, rectum, stomach. b) Oesophagus, stomach, large intestine, small intestine, anus. c) Oesophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, anus. 13) The muscle at the base of the lungs is called... a) The alveoli b) The diaphragm c) The bronchioles 14) Air sacs in the lungs are called... a) Alveoli b) Ravioli c) Trachea 15) The wind pipe is also known as... a) The trachea b) The oesophagus c) The bronchi 16) The bone that goes from elbow to little finger is called... a) The ulna b) The radius c) The femur 17) An example of an antagonistic pair is... a) The bronchi and the bronchioles b) The biceps and the triceps c) The bicep and tendons 18) Tendons... a) ...hold bone to bone b) ...hold muscle to bone c) ...hold muscle to muscle 19) The eggs are made in the... a) oviduct b) uterus c) ovary 20) The urethra... a) ...transports urine and sperm out of the male penis b) ...transports sperm from the testes to the penis c) ...transports sperm from the vagina to the uterus 21) Which isn't a function of the skeleton? a) Makes blood cells b) Protects c) Supports d) Movement e) Stabilise 22) What is an antagonist pair? a) Muscles that both contract b) Muscles that both relax c) Muscles that work so that one contracts and the other relaxes d) Muscles next to each other 23) Name an organ in the female reproductive system a) Ovary b) Oviduct c) Vagina 24) Name an organ in the circulatory system a) Stomach b) Blood vessel c) Heart 25) Where is there a fixed joint in the body? a) Skull b) Knee c) Elbow 26) What is the scientific name for the wind pipe? a) Oesophagus b) Trachea c) Fallopian tube


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