1) What tense are we using? a) The past tense, we're talking about events in the past. b) The present tense, we're talking about now. c) The future tense, we're talking about what we're doing next. 2) What is the difference between "c'est" and "est"? a) There is no difference b) c'est means it is; est means is c) c'est means he is 3) What words can you use to link opinions together? a) We use adjectives b) we use connectives c) We use nouns 4) What "extra" words can you use to extend your sentences? a) pronouns b) verbs c) intensifiers, for example : "assez"," très","vraiment". 5) How do you make a sentence negative? a) use "ne" and "pas" b) use "pas" c) use

Year 9 unit 5 lesson 3 Key questions


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