What is the prefix milli - m and x10-3 or 0.001 (divide by 1000), What is 3.5 mA in Amps? - 0.0035 A, Explain with the aid of a diagram what is meant by total internal reflection. - When an incident ray in a slower medium strikes at an angle greater than the critical angle, Use of total internal reflection - optical fibres, Explain, with the aid of a diagram what is meant by the critical angle. - The critical angle is the angle at which the refracted ray is at 90° to the normal, Equivalent dose unit - Sv (Sieverts), What is Equivalent Dose - Measure of how much damage is done by the different types of radiation, What is the Radiation weighting factor - Gives an equivalent value to amount of damage a radiation type causes, Draw a particle diagram for a gas - teacher to draw on board…, When a solid changes to a liquid the ________ between particles increases and ________energy of the particles increases - spacing, kinetic, Why does temperature of a substance increase as it is heated? - Particles gain more kinetic energy and temperature is a measure of kinetic energy, When the force moving an object is balanced by frictional forces it is moving at its _____________ _____________ - terminal velocity, Define weight - The force of gravity acting on an object's mass, State the equation which links gravitational field strength, mass and weight - W=mg, Reasons for line spectrums - Gas particles in space can re-emit wavelengths absorbed,


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