1) What year did the First World War end? a) 1917 b) 1918 c) 1919 2) The Kaiser of Germany abdicated after the war where did he flee to? a) The Netherlands b) Belgium c) England 3) The new German government signed which treaty to end the First World War? a) The Treay of London b) The Treaty of Paris c) The Treaty of Versailles 4) The new German government had to set up its government in the town of Weimar because....... a) Berlin was now occupied by the British. b) Berlin was too dangerous. c) Berlin was totally destroyed by Allied bombing. 5) Which group of communist revolutionaries tried to take control of Germany in 1919? a) The Spartakists b) The Red Flag Gang c) The Freikorps 6) Who was the leader of the Spartakists? a) Rosa Luxemburg and Wolfgang Kapp b) Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Schmitt c) Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Leibknecht 7) The Freikorps were ex soldiers who joined the communist party. a) True b) False 8) Who had the highest postion in the German government? a) The President b) The Chancellor c) The Reichstag 9) Wolfgang Kapp also tried to take control of Germany, he led the Friekorps into Berlin but how was their Putsch defeated? a) The government persuaded the people to go on strike. b) The Army crushed the Friekorps. c) Wolfgang Kapp was assassinated. 10) A constitution is a set of rules explaining how a country should be run. a) True b) False 11) Proportional representation means that each party got to elect a president. a) True b) False 12) In which year did Germany have severe problems with hyperinflation and the French invaded the Ruhr? a) 1921 b) 1922 c) 1923 13) Why did the French invade the Ruhr? a) It was where the vast majority of Germany's banks were located. b) It was where the vast majority of Germany's industry was located. c) The Ruhr had once belonged to France. 14) Which German politician helped Germany to recover during the 1920s? a) Gustav Stresemann b) Heinrich Himmler c) Franz von Papen 15) Which plan allowed Germany to borrow a huge amount of money from the USA. a) The Banks plan b) The Dawes plan c) The Smith plan 16) In 1923 Hitler and the Nazis failed in their attempt to take control of which city? a) Berlin b) Weimar c) Munich 17) Hitler spent eleven years in prison for his part in the Munich Putsch. a) True b) False 18) Hitler wanted to destroy the communists and tear up the.... a) Dawes Plan. b) Treaty of Versailles. c) German consitution. 19) Josef Geobbels was the head of Hitlers SS and Heinrich Himmler was the minister for propaganda. a) True b) False 20) During the mid 1920s Hitler attempted to win votes at first he appealed to which section of society? a) Working class b) Middle class c) Upper class 21) In 1929 economic depression struck Germnay, it was triggered off by events in which nation? a) Britain b) France c) The USA 22) The depression helped the Nazis as they had clear economic policies to help get Germany out of the mess. a) True b) False 23) In which year did the Nazis win their greatest ever number of seats? a) 1930 b) 1931 c) 1932 d) 1933 24) By winning over half of the votes a party would have...... a) a winning share b) a power vote c) a majority 25) Which politician persuaded President Hindenburg to make Hitler Chancellor? a) Gert Muller b) General von Schleicher c) Franz von Papen 26) Who was blamed for the Reichstag fire? a) The Communists b) The Nazis c) The SA 27) Hitler passed emergency laws called the ...... a) Enabling Act b) The 88th Article c) The Preservation order 28) Which of the follwoing did the Enabling act not give the Nazis? a) The power to ban trade unions. b) To declare war. c) Homes could be ransacked. d) The Nazis could intimidate voters. 29) During the Night of the Long Knives Hitler murdered the leaders of the SS. a) True b) False 30) Germany under Hitler was a democracy. a) True b) False 31) Which of the following is not a method of fear used by the Nazis. a) Propaganda b) The SS c) The Gestapo d) The Hitler Salute e) Concentration camps 32) Hermann Goering was the head of the SS. a) True b) False 33) Which of the following was NOT a form of propaganda? a) The Hitler Salute b) The people's radio c) The Swastika d) Posters e) Movies f) Mass Rallies 34) Many people did not stand up to the Nazis because the Nazis had improved the German economy. a) True b) False 35) Strength through joy encouraged Germans to hate the Jews. a) True b) False 36) The Nazis thought that all women should follow the 3Ks, Kircher, Kuchen and a) Kercher b) Karche c) Kinder 37) What where the female versions of the Hitler Youth called? a) Hitler Maidens b) Little fellows c) Young Maidens 38) Holiday resorts where set up for the German workers on the coast of which sea? a) Pacific b) Atlantic c) Baltic 39) Aryans were the pure Germans. a) True b) False 40) Schools were left untouched by Hitler's policies. a) True b) False

Germany test Weimar - 1939

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