1) What is the Percentage of carbon Dioxide Within the Air We Exhale? a) 3% b) 50% c) 78% d) 4% e) 100% f) 5% 2) Which one of these is NOT part of the Breathing System? a) Nose b) Kidneys c) Diaphragm d) Bronchi e) Epiglottis f) Heart 3) Which two of the following are adaptations of the alveoli which make gaseous exchange as efficient as possible? a) Very thin walls make diffusion easy b) Low blood supply maintains concentration gradients for diffusion by removing CO2 and bringing Lots of O2 c) Thick walls to store more gas d) Oblong shape to give smaller surface area for diffusion e) Moist surface so gases can disolve 4) What is the equation for aerobic respiration? a) Glucose + Oxygen = Carbon Dioxide + Lactic Acid b) Water + Carbon Dioxide = Energy + Blood c) Glucose + Oxygen = Carbon Dioxide + Heat d) Glucose + Carbon Dioxide = Oxygen + Water e) Glucose + Oxygen = Carbon Dioxide + Water f) Glucose = Lactic Acid 5) What does not Produce Oxygen Debt? a) Aerobic b) Minecraft c) Breathing d) Sweating e) Anaerobic 6) Which one of these IS part of the Breathing System? a) Brochidites b) Kidneys c) Abdomen d) Liver e) Brain 7) What Happens to the Diaphram when air is inhaled? a) It Explodes b) It Lags Out c) It Flattens d) It Rage e) It Domes Upwards f) It Releases Poisonous cells to the heart


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