1) Which of these is an adaptation for a polar bear to survive the cold artic? a) Has sharp teeth b) Large body and small ears gives a small surface area c) White fur d) Sharp claws 2) What helps the camel survive long journeys without food in the desert a) Storing fat mainly in the hump b) Having long eyelashes c) Large to feet to spread out their weight d) Fur to protect skin from burning 3) Which is not an adaptation of a cactus plant? a) Small surface area b) Long shallow roots c) Thin waxy cuticle d) Spines instead of leaves 4) Why do desert rates have kidneys that produce concentrated urine? a) To reduce water loss b) So they can lose more water sweating c) Reduces dampness in underground burrow 5) What theory did Charles Darwin put forward? a) Theory Of Evolution by natural selection b) Theory of inheritance c) Theory of immunity 6) What happens when there is a change in the environment? a) Species change their reactions b) Species keep their behaviour the same c) Those best adapted survive and pass on successful genes

B2 revision quiz FOUND Part 2

by Anonymous


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