1) Which of these is NOT a form of Radioactivity? a) Alpha b) Beta c) Delta d) Gamma 2) An Alpha particle is made of... a) 2 Protons 1 Neutron b) An Electron c) 2 Protons 2 Neutrons d) Neutron 3) An Isotope is an atom with a different number of... a) Protons b) Electrons c) Neutrons 4) Ionisiation is caused by the addition or removal of.... from an atom. a) Electrons b) Protons c) Neutrons 5) How many Neutrons does Lithium have? a) 7 b) 3 c) 4 6) Put these radiations in order of levels of ionisation, low to high. a) Gamma, Alpha, Beta b) Beta, Gamma, Alpha c) Alpha, Beta, Gamma d) Gamma, Beta, Alpha 7) Which material will be the first to stop Alpha radiation? a) Aluminium b) Paper c) Lead 8) Which radiation travels at the speed of light? a) Alpha b) Beta c) Gamma 9) Gamma rays can be ligitimatly used to sterilise .... a) Food b) People 10) An Ion is an inbalance of....... in an Atom. a) Protons b) Neutrons c) Electrons 11) What force overcomes the electrostatic replusion of the Protons in the nucleus? a) Gravity b) Strong Force c) Weak Force d) Electrostatic Force 12) Which radiation is the most dangerous in the body? a) Gamma b) Alpha c) Beta 13) How does radiation damage cells? a) Poison them? b) Ionise them? c) Ignite them? d) Dissolve them? 14) Why was it difficult to discover the Neutron? a) It was very small. b) It has no charge. c) It is in the nucleus. 15) What type of radiation is used in smoke alarms? a) Alpha b) Beta c) Gamma 16) Which radioactive element is seeping from granite? a) Radon b) Uranium c) Plutonium d) Iodine 17) What is the charge os an Alpha Particle? a) +1 b) +2 c) -1 d) -2 18) Why is gamma radiation used in medical scanning? a) It can not exit the body b) It can exit the body c) It is absorbed by skin d) It fades faster than the other types.

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