photosynthesis - The process of plants making food, friction - A force that stops us from falling over, gravity - A force that keeps us on the ground, element - You find these on the periodic table, Potassium - A metal on the periodic table with the symbol K, Helium - A gas found on the periodic table with the symbol He, Compound - Iron and Sulphur chemically combined together makes a..., protein - One of the 7 food groups, found in eggs, carbohydrates - One of the 7 food groups, a positive test for this is black/blue, solid - One of the three states of matter, Virus - This microbe cannot be treated with antibiotics, Vaccine - This is administered to give immunity to some diseases, Solar - A type of renewable energy source, nonrenewable - Coal, oil and gas are a type of what source of energy?, vitamins - A food group containing A, B, C, D and E, lipase - The enzyme that breaks down fats, enzyme - Carbohydrase, Protease and Lipase are examples of what?,


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