1) What is an substance that only contains one type of atom? a) Compound b) Element c) Mixture d) Particle 2) What is this? a) Element b) Mixture c) Compound? 3) What is this? a) Element b) Mixture c) Compound 4) What is this? a) Element b) Mixture c) Compound 5) What is this? a) Element b) Mixture c) Compound 6) What compound could this be? a) CO₂ b) HCl c) Cl₂ d) Ne 7) What is the symbol for magnesium? a) mg b) Mg c) MG d) mG 8) What is the symbol for potassium? a) K b) P c) Po d) Pt 9) What is the symbol for neon? a) NE b) ne c) Ne d) N 10) What compound do zinc and sulphur make? a) Zinc Sulphate b) Zinc Sulphide c) Zinc Sulphur d) Shulphur Zincide 11) When do compounds have the suffix -ide? When they contain... a) Metal, Metal b) Non-metal, Non- metal c) Metal, non-metal d) Metal, non-metal, oxygen 12) When do compounds contain the suffix -ate? When they contain.... a) metal, non-metal b) metal, metal c) metal, non-metal, oxygen d) non-metal, non-metal 13) What compound contains tin, oxygen and nitrogen. a) Tin Oxide b) Tin Nitride c) Tin Nitrate d) Tin Oxate 14) How many non metal atoms does glucose C₆H₁₂O₆ contain? a) 6 b) 12 c) 24 d) 18 15) Which planet comes between Jupiter and Uranus? a) Mars b) Saturn c) Pluto d) Venus 16) What part of the digestive system removes water from food? a) Stomach b) Small Intestine c) Large Intestine d) Anus 17) Which small molecules are proteins broken down into? a) Amino Acids b) Glucose c) Lipids d) Starch 18) Which of the following does NOT indicate a chemical reaction? a) Temperature Change b) Colour Change c) Change of state d) Bubbles 19) What is the test for starch? a) Add Benedict's solution b) Add Biurets solution c) Add ethanol d) Add iodine 20) What is the function of the nucleus? a) Controls the cell b) Controls what goes in and out of a cell c) Where the chemical reactions take place d) Absorbs light 21) Why do we have night a day? a) The sun is orbiting the Earth b) The Earth is tilted c) The Earth spins on it's axis d) The Earth is orbiting the Sun 22) Which force is always acting to the center of the Earth. a) Friction b) Weight c) Gravity d) Air Resistance 23) Which of these describes the particles in a liquid? a) Moving quickly, far apart b) Random order touching c) Random order not touch d) Vibrating in one place

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