1) Specialised cells in a stem a) Xylem cells b) Palisade cells c) Root hair cells 2) Blood cells that carry oxygen around the body a) White blood cells b) Platelets c) Red blood cells 3) Cells specialised to contract a) Palisade cells b) Mesophyll cells c) Muscle cells 4) Increased surface area to collect water a) Xylem cells b) Root hair cells c) Mesophyll cells 5) Palisade cells are packed with a) Water b) Chloropplasts c) Nuclei 6) Red blood cells are adapted by a) shape b) pigment c) no nucleus 7) Sperms have a long tail to a) To fly b) Swim to the egg c) To swim down river 8) These cells are long, insulated (myelin) and have many branches a) White blood cells b) Red blood cels c) Nerve cells 9) Plant cells have a permenant vacuole, cell wall and choloroplasts a) True b) False 10) Animal cells are smaller than plant cells and less regular in shape. a) True b) False

specialised cell mini quiz

by Anonymous


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