1) What year was the Web invented? a) 1886 b) 1984 c) 2000 d) 1989 2) What does www stand for? a) World Wishing Well b) World Wide Window c) World Wide Web d) Wishing Well Web 3) Who invented the World Wide Web? a) Sir Tim Berners-Lee b) Sir Elton John c) Dr Leigh Burns d) Dr Attard 4) When did the World Wide Web start? a) 1994 b) 2001 c) 1991 d) 2012 5) What is the Internet? a) Web Pages b) Lots of connected Computers c) Websites d) Google 6) What is the Web? a) A collection of pages found on a network of computers. b) Google c) A shopping website d) Social Media sites 7) Is the Internet and the World Wide Web the same thing? a) Yes b) No 8) What does URL stand for? a) Underground Road Level b) Uniform Resource Locator c) The Internet d) Web Address 9) What is URL another name for? a) Web Address b) Website c) Google d) Browser 10) What does HTTP stand for? a) Hyper Text Protocol b) Hypertext Transfer Protocol c) High Text Transfer Page d) High Text Page 11) What is HTML? a) Web Page b) HyperText Markup Language c) HyperTransfer Managment Language d) Typing on Word 12) What is HTML used for? a) Searching on the Internet b) Network of Computers c) The language used to create documents on the World Wide Web d) To answer internet questions


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