1) What is prejudice? a) A simple idea of a particular type of person b) Judging someone negatively without knowing them c) A person/group who is made to bear the blame for others d) Acting on a negative judgement 2) What is discrimination? a) A simple idea of a particular type of person b) Judging someone negatively without knowing them c) A person/group who is made to bear the blame for others d) Acting on a negative judgement 3) What causes prejudice? a) Media b) Upbringing c) History d) Bad experiences e) Propaganda f) Stereotypes 4) Which of these are examples of scapegoats and why? a) Muslims blamed for terrorism due to 9/11 b) Thinking all Australians have pet kangaroos, go surfing and wear hats with corks c) Thinking all gingers have no souls because of South Park d) The Jews in Nazi Germany, blamed for bad economy in 1930s 5) Which quotes show that Christians are against prejudice? a) Love thy neighbour b) Only women can become priests in some Christian churches c) There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus d) Some Christians are against gay marriage 6) Which quotes show that Muslims are against prejudice a) Women cannot become Imams b) Allah does not look upon your outward appearances, he looks upon your hearts and your deeds c) We are all equal in the eyes of Allah 7) What is prejudice or discrimination on the grounds of a person's appearance called? a) Ageism b) Sexism c) Lookism d) Racism 8) What do you call dislike of or prejudice against homosexual people? a) Racism b) Ageism c) Lookism d) Homophobia 9) What do we call stereotyping, prejudice, and discrimination against people on the basis of their age? a) Racism b) Lookism c) Ageism d) Homophobia 10) Who tried to combat Racism in 1960s America using his Christian beliefs of non-violence? a) Mahatma Gandhi b) Rosa Parkes c) Martin Luther King d) Malcolm X

Revision Quiz for Prejudice - PAH ENG


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