1) What is climate change? a) The effect of increased levels of greenhouse gases in the atmosphereT b) The day to day changes in the atmosphere c) The long term change in the overall weather that a region experiences d) The slow increase in the earth's temperature 2) What is the enhanced greenhouse effect? a) The slow increase in the earth's temperature b) The effect of increased levels of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, preventing more of the earth's heat escaping. c) more and more of the sun's energy being trapped 3) Which of these is a source of Methane? a) fertilisers b) rice fields c) cars d) buildings 4) Which of these is a major source of Carbon Dioxide? a) fertilisers b) burning trees c) lakes d) rivers 5) Which of these are a source of Methane? a) Cows belching and farting b) Cat food c) cars d) rubbish dumps 6) Which of these is a major greenhouse gas? a) nitrogen b) nitrous oxides c) oxygen d) carbon monoxide 7) Which of these are sources of nitrous oxides? a) fertilisers b) rubbish dumps c) rotting bacteria in the soil d) rice fields 8) Which of these are advantages of global warming for the UK? a) Increasing numbers of mosquitos b) longer growing seasons c) Mediterranean summers d) New crops such as peaches and vines 9) Which of these are disadvantages of global warming for the UK? a) The cost of building flood defences b) longer growing seasons c) Skiing in Aviemore will be lost d) Increase risk of diseases 10) Which TWO of these are major greenhouse gases? a) oxygen b) methane c) carbon dioxide d) helium


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